Some manufacturers of integrated gate commutated thyristor IGCT (integrated gate commutated thyristor) are also called GCT (gate commutated thyristor), that is, gate commutated thyristor, which is a new power electronic device emerging in the late 1990s.
The integrated gate commutated thyristor IGCT combines the advantages of IGBT and GTO. Its capacity is equivalent to that of GTO, but its switching speed is 10 times faster than that of GTO. Moreover, it can eliminate the huge and complex buffer circuit of GTO application, but the driving power required is still large. At present, IGCT is in fierce competition with IGBT and other new devices, trying to eventually replace GTO in high-power applications. The industry believes that the high proportion of power electronic devices is one of the two characteristics of the new power system. For example, the internationally leading flexible DC transmission technology in the fields of new energy grid connection, offshore wind power transmission and UHV combines advanced technologies in power electronics, power system, communication principles and so on. Modular multilevel converter, DC circuit breaker and DC transformer
d on power electronic technology are the key equipment to build DC power grid. Large capacity semiconductor devices are the core components of these key equipment. Low cost, low loss and high reliability of large capacity semiconductor devices are very important to improve the economy and safety of DC power grid equipment. Among high-power power electronic devices, IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) is mainly used at present, while IGCT (integrated gate to gate commutated thyristor) is a more potential semiconductor device. The market is mainly occupied by foreign enterprises such as abb in Switzerland, Infineon in Germany, Ge in the United States, and there is a wide space for domestic substitution