2 軟件系統(tǒng) Software System 基本測量功能 Basic Measuring Function 可測幾何量:點、線、圓(*、*小和平均)、弧、樣條曲線、橢圓、矩形、四邊形、槽、R角、環(huán)、間距、距離、點群等。 It can test the geometric element, including point, line, circle, arc, spline, ellipse, rectangle, slot, ring circle ,gap, distance, point list, etc. 構建:中心點、極值點、端點、交點、兩點連線、平行線、垂線、切線、平分線、中心線、合并、輪廓分割、半徑畫圓、三線內切圓、兩線半徑內切圓等。 It can construct centered, endpoint, insect, connect, parallel, perpendicular, tangent, bisect, combine, etc. 影像量測工具:繪圖點、*近邊緣點、聚焦點、圓形框取點、*邊緣點、*近點、整體提取、多段提取、紋理分割、多段紋理分割、電子卡尺、快速整理取圓、開放輪廓線、*閉合輪廓線、*近閉合輪廓線。 Video measuring tools include drawing point, closed point, focus point, pick point by circle, whole pick, multiple pick, edge trace, largest closed contour, nearest closed contour. 形位公差:直線度、圓度、位置度、平行度、垂直度、傾斜度、同心度等。 It can provide tolerance measurement: include straightness, roundness, position, parallelism,perpendicularity, angularity and concentricity, etc. 坐標系:夾具定位坐標系、點線、兩點X、兩點Y、三點、兩線、圖像配準坐標系;平移、旋轉、手工調整坐標系。 Coordinate system: Fixture positioning coordinate system, dotted line, Two points determine the X axis, Two points determine the Y axis, three points, two lines, Image registration system. Translation, rotation, manually adjust the coordinate system. 編程與自動化操作 Programming and Automation 可生成任務進行全自動批量測量,并支持自動和手工交互操作。 It can create a task for automatic measurement, and support both automatic and manual interactive operation. 可變倍鏡頭,變倍后無需重新校正。 Optical lens for programmable zoom measurement, without re-correct. 光源實現(xiàn)自動控制,支持自動打光。 Light can be controlled by software and support automatic lighting. 支持表面光五環(huán)八區(qū)、輪廓光的各區(qū)段自動控制。 Surface light and profile light can be controlled. 可快速自動聚焦,聚焦測量高度。 It can focus automatically and quickly to measure height 輸出及數(shù)據(jù)統(tǒng)計 Output and Data Statistics 可輸出Word、Excel、TXT報表和AutoCAD文件。 Word, Excel, TXT and AutoCAD formats of output. 支持實時輸出至excel模版,可定制模版。 Real-time output to excel templates , customizable templates. 可以只輸出*一次任務運行的數(shù)據(jù)。 You can only output results of the last run of the task. 運行任務時自動生成.rst格式文件,記錄任務運行的詳細信息。 Automatically generated .rst when you run the task, details of the task run record. 運行完打?。喝蝿者\行完直接打印。 Print after running:Print directly after finish running. 輸出任務數(shù)據(jù)到文件:輸出任務運行結果至文本中,同名任務的數(shù)據(jù)輸出至同文件。 Task data output to the file: Output the result of task data to the text, the task data of the same name output to the same file. 可按目錄,根據(jù)任務名稱自動輸出任務結果至csv文本中,便于同種工件結果的統(tǒng)一分析。Can specify a directory, the name of the task automatically output the results to a csv text tasks , facilitate unified analysis of the results of the same kinds of artifacts. SPC統(tǒng)計功能,導入rst文件,可進行有效的品管控制。 SPC statistical function, Import the .rst file, can control the quality of product effectively. 基元屬性區(qū)域,實時顯示當前正在測量的基元數(shù)據(jù)。 Primitive property area , real-time display primitive data being measured currently. 基元差區(qū),分類顯示正?;罨?,未測量基元等等。 Primitive error area, ified according to normal primitives, out-of-tolerance primitive, not measured primitives, and so on. 其他增強型功能 SPC:對測量數(shù)據(jù)管制分析。 SPC: Control and analysis the measurement data. 全景掃描:任意選擇區(qū)域進行影像的掃描拼圖。 Panoramic scanning: Choose any area of the scanning and puzzle image. 圖紙比對:可載入圖紙與測量數(shù)據(jù)進行比對。 Compare the drawings: Can load the drawings and measurement data. 試驗篩:自動取樣掃描試驗篩,生成任務,運行結果直接分析輸出。 Test sieve: Scann and sample test sieve automatically, generate task, analysis and output the results directly. 溫度補償:根據(jù)環(huán)境溫度與標準溫度差值,計算膨脹系數(shù),使得結果更。 聚焦測高:用聚焦方式測量高度差。 自動輪廓提?。航o定起始結束點,對輪廓進行提取。 顯示邊緣圖:顯示圖像的邊緣輪廓,快速查看邊緣情況。 十字線提取模式:多種顯示模式,十字,井字,圓形,網(wǎng)格,方便快速比對。 導航:圖片導航,類似于電子地圖,可快速定位。 導入CAD圖紙:可導入DXF圖紙,與CAD互相導入導出,完成圖形處理。 3D顯示:顯示圖像的三維狀態(tài)。 可多語言切換:簡體、繁體、英語、日語、韓語。 鏡頭:自動鏡頭校準,省去繁瑣的完全步驟。 各種快捷鍵操作,常用快捷鍵一應俱全,軟件更易用。 系統(tǒng)設置中各種細節(jié)設置選項。 五.參考圖片:(參考圖片,實際以出機為準)
2 軟件系統(tǒng) Software System
基本測量功能 Basic Measuring Function
It can test the geometric element, including point, line, circle, arc, spline, ellipse, rectangle, slot, ring circle ,gap, distance, point list, etc.
It can construct centered, endpoint, insect, connect, parallel, perpendicular, tangent, bisect, combine, etc.
Video measuring tools include drawing point, closed point, focus point, pick point by circle, whole pick, multiple pick, edge trace, largest closed contour, nearest closed contour.
It can provide tolerance measurement: include straightness, roundness, position, parallelism, perpendicularity, angularity and concentricity, etc.
Coordinate system: Fixture positioning coordinate system, dotted line, Two points determine the X axis, Two points determine the Y axis, three points, two lines, Image registration system. Translation, rotation, manually adjust the coordinate system.
編程與自動化操作 Programming and Automation
It can create a task for automatic measurement, and support both automatic and manual interactive operation.
Optical lens for programmable zoom measurement, without re-correct.
Light can be controlled by software and support automatic lighting.
Surface light and profile light can be controlled.
It can focus automatically and quickly to measure height
輸出及數(shù)據(jù)統(tǒng)計 Output and Data Statistics
Word, Excel, TXT and AutoCAD formats of output.
Real-time output to excel templates , customizable templates.
You can only output results of the last run of the task.
Automatically generated .rst when you run the task, details of the task run record.
Print after running:Print directly after finish running.
Task data output to the file: Output the result of task data to the text, the task data of the same name output to the same file.
可按目錄,根據(jù)任務名稱自動輸出任務結果至csv文本中,便于同種工件結果的統(tǒng)一分析。Can specify a directory, the name of the task automatically output the results to a csv text tasks , facilitate unified analysis of the results of the same kinds of artifacts.
SPC statistical function, Import the .rst file, can control the quality of product effectively.
Primitive property area , real-time display primitive data being measured currently.
Primitive error area, ified according to normal primitives, out-of-tolerance primitive, not measured primitives, and so on.
SPC: Control and analysis the measurement data.
Panoramic scanning: Choose any area of the scanning and puzzle image.
Compare the drawings: Can load the drawings and measurement data.
Test sieve: Scann and sample test sieve automatically, generate task, analysis and output the results directly.